Belo should recognize the Dallas News Guild for a stronger future, our subscribers say

Hundreds of readers and supporters sent emails last week to our publisher, Grant Moise, and our CEO, Robert Decherd. Here’s a sampling. Letters have been edited for space.

I'm a Dallas Morning News subscriber who grew up reading the paper in North Texas. I'm a tremendous supporter of the work the journalists at the DMN do, and because of that, I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union

- Andrea Grimes

I am a paying DMN subscriber and support this effort to preserve high quality journalism. -I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union.

- Sean Dowd

I am a Dallas Morning News subscriber -- I am a digital subscriber and also receive the Wednesday/Sunday print editions. I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union.

 -Tiny Hoehner

As a longtime former Dallas resident and DMN subscriber, I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union.

- Forrest Milburn


I am a subscriber and a retired journalist. I know that our trade is endangered. Sacrificing reporters won't save it.

- Dick Reavis

As a long-time SUBSCRIBER, I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union.

- Leeanne Hay

I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild, as a longtime subscriber and reader, to voluntarily recognize their union.

- Jay Malone

As a subscriber to both print and digital DMN, I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union.

- Parker Coddington

As a proud subscriber, I'm asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union.

- Amanda Gonzalez

I am not a current subscriber to DMN, but a move like this would definitely push me toward becoming one. Thank you.

- J.B. Scott

I love the current staff and journalists that connect and resonate with myself and fellow Dallasites. I value them and their contributions to the DMN as an annual subscriber; I would like that they be recognized in these endeavors. Dallas deserves to see local news thrive far into the future.

- Christopher Schaar

As a Dallas Morning News subscriber, longtime reader of Al Dí­a, and resident of Dallas, I am asking you on behalf of the Dallas News Guild to voluntarily recognize their union. Dallas deserves to see local news thrive far into the future.

- Lillian Michel

My family and I have been loyal subscribers to the Dallas Morning News for more than 25 years. I have always been impressed with the hard work and talent of your reporters, editors, photographers, engagement team, and everyone else who contributes to your organization. What I'm not impressed with, however, are the pay cuts and layoffs I've seen. How can you expect your employees to serve your readers the best they possibly can if they can barely pay rent? If you care about the DMN --  and I feel quite confident you do -- you will do more for your people. Unions build morale and create unity across the newsroom. Reporters who aren't constantly in fear of being laid off are given more breathing room to get to know the community intimately. I'm asking you to, at the very least, recognize the Dallas News Guild and give them a seat at the table. Hear them out. Listen.

- Emily McPherson


A.H. Belo declines to recognize the Dallas News Guild


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